Supported Tests
Don't see support for a test? Let us know and we will consider adding it!
Test Name | Abbreviation | Publisher | Status |
| AAB | PAR | Active |
| ABAS-3 | WPS | Active |
| ACE-Q-INTERPRETATION | NovoPsych | Active |
| ADI-R | WPS | Active |
| ADOS-2 | WPS | Active |
| AQ | NovoPsych | Active |
| ASRS | MHS | Active |
| ASRS-V1-1 | Pearson | Active |
| AULA | Nesplora | Active |
| BAI | Pearson | Active |
| BASC-3 | Pearson | Active |
| BASC-3-PRQ | Pearson | Active |
| BASC-3-SDH | Pearson | Active |
| BATERIA-IV | Riverside Insights | Active |
| BAYLEY-4 | Pearson | Active |
| BBCS-4R | Pearson | Active |
| BBCS-E | Pearson | Active |
| BDEFS | Guilford Press | Active |
| BDI-3 | Riverside Insights | Active |
| BDI-II | Pearson | Active |
| BEAS | Riverside Insights | Active |
| BENDER-GESTALT-II | Riverside Insights | Active |
| BOEHM-3 | Pearson | Active |
| BOEHM-3-PRESCHOOL | Pearson | Active |
| BRIEF-P | PAR | Active |
| BRIEF2 | PAR | Active |
| BRIEF2A | PAR | Active |
| BrownEFAScales | Pearson | Active |
| BYI-2 | Pearson | Active |
| CAPS | WPS | Active |
| CAPS-5-INTERPRETATION | U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD | Active |
| CARS2 | WPS | Active |
| CAS2 | PRO-ED | Active |
| CAS2-BRIEF | PRO-ED | Active |
| CASL-2 | WPS | Active |
| CATA | MHS | Active |
| CATS-INTERPRETATION | Goldbeck/Berliner | Active |
| CBCL | Achenbach | Active |
| CBOCI-INTERPRETATION | Pearson | Active |
| CBRS | MHS | Active |
| CDI-2 | MHS | Active |
| CEFI | MHS | Active |
| CEFI-Adult | MHS | Active |
| CELF-5 | Pearson | Active |
| ChAMP | PAR | Active |
| ChOCI-R-P | NovoPsych | Active |
| CNS-Vital-Signs | CNS Vital Signs | Active |
| CONNERS-4 | MHS | Active |
| CONNERS-EC | MHS | Active |
| CPT3 | MHS | Active |
| CTMT-2 | WPS | Active |
| CTONI-2 | PRO-ED | Active |
| CTOPP-2 | PRO-ED | Active |
| CVLT-3 | Pearson | Active |
| CVLT-C | Pearson | Active |
| D-KEFS | Pearson | Active |
| D-REF | Pearson | Active |
| D-REF-Adult | Pearson | Active |
| DAS-II-EY | Pearson | Active |
| DAS-II-NU-SA | Pearson | Active |
| DASS-21-INTERPRETATION | NovoPsych | Active |
| DAYC-2 | PRO-ED | Active |
| DES-II-INTERPRETATION | NovoPsych | Active |
| DIAL-4 | Pearson | Active |
| DIAL-4-Q | Pearson | Active |
| DP-4 | WPS | Active |
| DSS-ROCF | PAR | Active |
| DTLA-5 | PRO-ED | Active |
| DTVP-3 | PRO-ED | Active |
| DTVP-A-2 | PRO-ED | Active |
| EAT-26-INTERPRETATION | Garner | Active |
| EOWPVT-4 | Academic Therapy Publications | Active |
| EVT-3 | Pearson | Active |
| FACT | PAR | Active |
| FAM | PAR | Active |
| FAR | PAR | Active |
| FAW | PAR | Active |
| GAD-7 | JAMA Internal Medicine | Active |
| GARS-3 | Pearson | Active |
| GORT-5 | Pro-ED | Active |
| GROOVED-PEGBOARD | Lafayette Instrument | Active |
| GSRT | PAR | Active |
| HAS-A-INTERPRETATION | Hamilton | Active |
| Identi-Fi | PAR | Active |
| IVA-2 | BrainTree | Active |
| K-CPT-2 | MHS | Active |
| KABC-II | Pearson | Active |
| KBIT-2-Revised | WPS | Active |
| KeyMath-3-DA | Pearson | Active |
| KTEA-3 | Pearson | Active |
| KTEA-3-Dyslexia-Index | Pearson | Active |
| LEITER-3 | WPS | Active |
| M-PACI | Pearson | Active |
| MACI-II | Pearson | Active |
| MASC-2 | MHS | Active |
| MCMI-IV | Pearson | Active |
| MDQ-INTERPRETATION | Jones & Bartlett Learning | Active |
| MMPI-3 | Pearson | Active |
| MMPI-A-RF | Pearson | Active |
| MOCA-INTERPRETATION | Nasreddine | Active |
| MOXO-dCPT | Neurotech | Active |
| MVPT-4 | PRO-ED | Active |
| NAB | Pearson | Active |
| NDRT-I-J | PRO-ED | Active |
| NEPSY-II | Pearson | Active |
| NESPLORA-AQUARIUM | Nesplora | Active |
| NESPLORA-ICE-CREAM | Nesplora | Active |
| NESPLORA-MEMORY | Nesplora | Active |
| NPCC-3 | KIDS, Inc. | Active |
| NPCC-4 | KIDS, Inc. | Active |
| Ortiz-PVAT | MHS | Active |
| OWLS-II | WPS | Active |
| PAI | PAR | Active |
| PAI-A | PAR | Active |
| PAL-II-RW | Pearson | Active |
| PCL-5 | NovoPsych | Active |
| PdPVTS | MHS | Active |
| PHQ-9 | Pfizer | Active |
| PIERS-HARRIS-3 | WPS | Active |
| PPVT-5 | Pearson | Active |
| QNST-3R | Academic Therapy Publications | Active |
| RAADS-R | NovoPsych | Active |
| RAIT | PAR | Active |
| RBANS-Update | Pearson | Active |
| RCFT | PAR | Active |
| RCMAS-2 | PAR | Active |
| RIAS-2 | PAR | Active |
| RISE | WPS | Active |
| ROWPVT-4 | Academic Therapy Publications | Active |
| RSI | WPS | Active |
| SATA | PRO-ED | Active |
| SB-5 | PRO-ED | Active |
| SCAN-3A | Pearson | Active |
| SCAN-3C | Pearson | Active |
| SCARED-INTERPRETATION | Boris Birmaher, M.D. 1995 | Active |
| SCQ | WPS | Active |
| SDQ-INTERPRETATION | Public Domain | Active |
| Sensory-Profile-2 | Pearson | Active |
| SLDT-A | PRO-ED | Active |
| SLDT-A-NU | PRO-ED | Active |
| SLDT-E-NU | PRO-ED | Active |
| SPAA | Pearson | Active |
| SPEED-DIAL-4 | Pearson | Active |
| SPM-2 | WPS | Active |
| SRS-2 | WPS | Active |
| SSIS-SEL | Pearson | Active |
| TAPS-4 | Academic Therapy Publications | Active |
| TEA-Ch2 | Pearson | Active |
| TEMA-3 | PRO-ED | Active |
| TERA-4 | PRO-ED | Active |
| TEWL-3 | Pearson | Active |
| TILLS | Brookes Publishing | Active |
| TIPS | Academic Therapy Publications | Active |
| TOC-2 | PRO-ED | Active |
| TOD-C | WPS | Active |
| TOD-E | WPS | Active |
| TOD-Rating-Scales | WPS | Active |
| TOD-S | WPS | Active |
| TOMAL-2 | PRO-ED | Active |
| TOMM | Pearson | Active |
| TONI-4 | Pearson | Active |
| TOPF-INTERPRETATION | Pearson | Active |
| TORC-4 | PRO-ED | Active |
| TOSWRF-2 | PRO-ED | Active |
| TOVA-9 | PAR | Active |
| TOWL-4 | Pearson | Active |
| TOWRE-2 | MHS | Active |
| Trails-X | PAR | Active |
| TRF | Achenbach | Active |
| TSCC | PAR | Active |
| TSCYC | PAR | Active |
| TSI-2 | PAR | Active |
| TVPS-4 | Academic Therapy Publications | Active |
| UNIT-2 | Pro-ED | Active |
| VINELAND-3 | Pearson | Active |
| VMI | Pearson | Active |
| WAIS-5 | Pearson | Active |
| WAIS-IV | Pearson | Active |
| WASI-II | Pearson | Active |
| WCST | PAR | Active |
| WIAT-4 | Pearson | Active |
| WIAT-III | Pearson | Active |
| WISC-V | Pearson | Active |
| WISC-V-INTEGRATED | Pearson | Active |
| WISC-V-Spanish | Pearson | Active |
| WJ-IV-ACH | Riverside Insights | Active |
| WJ-IV-COG | Riverside Insights | Active |
| WJ-IV-ECAD | Riverside Insights | Active |
| WJ-IV-OL | Riverside Insights | Active |
| WMLS-III | Riverside Insights | Active |
| WMS-IV | Pearson | Active |
| WNV | Pearson | Active |
| WPPSI-IV | Pearson | Active |
| WRAML3 | Pearson | Active |
| WRAML3-Brief | Pearson | Active |
| WRAT-5 | Pearson | Active |
| WRAVMA | Pearson | Active |
| YSR | Achenbach | Active |